The polemical interreligious Discourse

 Ibn Hazm against Ibn Nagrela … Until the twentieth century, when the positions of both jews and Muslims underwent radical change, the term „Judaeo-Islamic “is at least as meaningful and as valid as „Judaeo-Christian” to connote a parallel and in many ways comparable cultural tradition.” Bernard Lewis : The Jews of Islam. Princeton U. Press, 1984, … Read more

Islamic – secular dialogue in Arab world between the crisis of communication and the revival of violence

Islamic - secular dialogue in Arab world between the crisis of communication and the revival of violence

Arab political sphere has witnessed a number of debates between Islamists and secularists. The aim was to build bridges of communication between two actors who contributed to all the transformations experimented by the Arab world. Despite the multiple dialogues between Islamists and secularists, the conflict and tension has prevailed between the two sides, where the … Read more