The initiative to establish this center comes in the context of the profound transformations in societies and ideas. In fact, the intellectual cannot remain confined to his usual functions that would be appropriate if the historical course of society was within the framework of the balance and integration of different functions (the case of developing countries). But since our historical situation defines a decisive turning point in conflict with different points of view and conflicting interests, the responsibility of the intellectual goes beyond the limits of the usual work to the necessity of responsible engagement in correcting the course, not out of the dominant authority, but on the basis of thinking and expressing the potential of the possible historical action, and liberating the energy of consideration and motivating action that support the various forces and societal initiatives to achieve human dignity.
Causes and triggers:
This initiative comes in response to a set of reasons and justifications that constitute the starting points for a sense of responsibility and the desire to contribute as much as possible to improving the cultural and cognitive act at the present moment:
– Despite what appears from the multiplicity of institutions and names indicating the existence of a basis for scientific research in social and human disciplines, the scientific product indicates – the opposite of that – a severe atrophy in quantity and a weakness in the knowledge value of the entirety of what is issued by these institutions, as they were unable to follow up, at least at the monitoring level, a group of past and current phenomena and transformations. All these merits force us, as researchers, to take the initiative, not to add a new name, but to enrich and develop the efforts to attain goals.
In addition to the deficiency in the institutional structure of the scientific research, we note the existence of cognitive and methodological obstacles that limit the effectiveness of cognitive effort and its explanatory competence as the character of unilateralism at the level of perception and method predominates in published researches so that the logic of specialization prevails that trims the social phenomenon and reduces it to one perspective and neglects its compound and interacting dimensions, influenced in that by some academic traditions that sanctify the rooted accumulation of the integrative and organized structure, just as it responds sometimes to some subjective reasons for researchers who do not like group work or do not recognize the value of parallel disciplines or because of the desire to single out material or symbolic personal benefits. Hence, we decided to approach an integrated conception of the knowledge and research that researchers are expected to achieve -The Interdisciplinary Approach is based on our belief in the evidence of integrated knowledge between the various scientific disciplines.
– The field of scientific research is dominated by perceptions that separate what is epistemological from what is moral and political under the pretext of impartiality and objectivity required by scientific practices. Indeed, this separation is arbitrary and general, and needs scrutiny. If the intention is to avoid the researcher being closed within the conflicting ideological or political tribes and subjecting the aims and conditions of the research to the requirements of different interests, then this level of separation is mandatory. It is even easier because such biases are clear and exposed. But if what is meant is to transform knowledge into a technical work devoid of human values and moral motives, then it is just a misleading dressing, because knowledge at that time becomes in the service of the hidden forces represented by the dominant economic interests and the types of disguised powers in the field of finance, media, administration, etc. In reality, this affaire makes from the educated a cog in the control machine playing the role of legitimation and justification, rather than criticism, disclosure and editing.
Based on the mentioned principles, the work of the center will be guided by a set of guiding principles:
– The Center adopts the principle of “integration of sciences and knowledge” as a systematic regulator that guides its methods of research, and frames the methods of work associated with principles such as “team work” and “multiple approaches”, without, of course, transforming the principle into an obstructed belief that limits the effectiveness and freedom of research to reach flexibility and multiplicity of choices.
– The center maintains its intellectual and organizational independence from all orientations and organizations without confiscating the right of individuals to choose what suits their convictions while being ready to engage in research work on the terms agreed upon within the institution, and the possibility of cooperation with all bodies within the framework of common goals and interests.
The center is interested in all social and human sciences and disciplines, as well as complementary knowledge even from outside the disciplines, provided that it is related to it, within the framework of the integrative vision of the institution. Also, research projects should avoid falling into the dilemma of unfair separation between what is theoretical and philosophical and what is scientific and technical, and/or between areas of specialized research (social and political, or artistic cultural, and literary)
The research work of the center is directed towards major goals that illuminate its way:
– A practical goal: aims to raise the level of research competence and skill by providing training to researchers, encouraging them, handling them with the necessary capabilities, keeping up with the growing methodological and epistemological development, and giving young people the opportunity to highpoint their competencies.
– A scientific goal: it’s represented in the qualitative addition of scientific accumulation, diversification of the addressed issues, and knocking new research doors, in addition to the expansion of the field of publishing and issuance, and empowerment of all actors from the knowledge ground directed to social actions;
– A moral purpose: It is mainly concerned with contributing to the liberation of mankind – from the entrance of knowledge – from various forms of material and symbolic alienation that hinder his existential liberation, his sense of value, dignity, ability to initiate and act, and enrich the common discussions that occupy human societies.
In our knowledge and research endeavor at the Center for the Integration of Research and Studies, we do not claim to have any ready-made alternatives or convictions, or even definitive answers to what we will research and study. On the contrary, we consider the research works and projects that we will work on in this forum as mere theoretical and practical contributions seeking enlightenment a safe way out of the intellectual and cultural crisis that blur our reality.
From this standpoint, we consider every serious research project that carries within it this intellectual and cultural concern. It is always welcome in the center, provided that the adheres should strictly abide by the rules and literature of sober scientific research.