Spatial Justice and Social Justice
Takamul Center for Studies and Research organized a national cross-knowledge symposium on: Spatial Justice and Social Justice, 19-20 November 2021, in Marrakesh.
Takamul Center for Studies and Research organized a national cross-knowledge symposium on: Spatial Justice and Social Justice, 19-20 November 2021, in Marrakesh.
Takamul Center for Studies and Research organized a national cross-knowledge symposium on: Spatial Justice and Social Justice, 19-20 November 2021, in Marrakesh.
Takamul Center for Studies and Research, in corporation with Hanns Seidel, the German Institute, and The Legal Research and Policy Analysis Laboratory at the Faculty of Law of Marrakech, has organized a National Seminar “The future of public policies in the light of Risk Theory” which was held on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 February … Read more
On the 19th and 20th of September 2019, a training course was organized, aimed at training young people in the political field, and helping them find their way in it , So many workshops were organized and supervised by a group of professors and interested participants About 60 young people from different regions of Morocco … Read more
On the 19th and 20th of September 2019, a training course was organized, aimed at training young people in the political field, and helping them find their way in it , So many workshops were organized and supervised by a group of professors and interested participants About 60 young people from different regions of Morocco … Read more
Takamul Center for Studies and Research, in corporation with Hanns Seidel, the German Institute, and the Young Lawyers Union of Marrakech, has organized a training course on “contending the unconstitutionality of laws and their role in protecting rights and freedoms” which was held on 7 November, 2020 in Marrakech.
Dans le contexte des mutations politiques et sociales que connait la région du Maghreb, s’est tenu le colloque international, organisé par le Centre TAKAMUL d’études et de recherche et le Laboratoire de recherche et de coopération internationale pour le développement (LRCID) de la Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales – Université Cadi Ayyad – … Read more
Dans le cadre de la tradition annuelle du centre et en partenariat avec la fondation Hanns-Seidel, le centre Takamol a organisé un colloque traitant de la problématique du “Tanwir” chez les Arabes et les musulmanes le samedi 16 et dimanche 17 du mois de novembre 2019 à Marrakech. Le colloque a été entamé par une … Read more
La Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques, et sociales à Mohammedia a organisé en partenariat avec le Centre Takamul des études et des recherches, et la fondation Hans Seidel, un colloque intitulé : « femmes maghrébines au milieu des mutations politiques, économiques et sociales, la réalité et l’espoir ». L’événement a eu lieu le 18-19 juin 2019. Un … Read more
The Multidisciplinary Faculty of Safi has organized in corporation with Takamul Center for Studies and Research, and Hanns Seidel German Institute, an international conference on “the State and the Question of Identity in the Maghreb Region” which was held on March, 13th and 14th, 2019. The conference’s opening session was headed by Dr. Abdellatif Bakour, … Read more