Moroccan social entrepreneurship and its challenges

The Multidisciplinary faculty of Laraash, Abdulmalek Essadi university organized a national seminar in partnership with the ministry of tourism, air transport, handicraft and social economy along with Takamul Center for Studies & Research  and Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung. The seminar revolved around “Moroccan social entrepreneurship and its challenges”. The seminar was held on 29 and 30 April, 2019 in the faculty of Laraash.  More than 20 participants focused attention on social entrepreneurship, its concept, principles, pillars and equitable development. As a matter of fact, this concept received central attention from the part of actors in order to keep up the pace with the importance of this kind of economy at the national and international levels, especially with the repercussions of the international economic crisis which revealed the deficiencies of the prevailing development models and fostered initiatives to find more effective, resilient and equitable alternatives.